Study Aides

O - Barchart Anthropology (Optional)

O - Barchart Anthropology (Optional)

A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

Defines the most important aspects of various forms of anthropology, including archeology, cultural and biological anthropology.

For students studying anthropology; most helpful for those in introductory anthropology.

Publication Date: 

O - Barchart Art History 1 (Optional)

O - Barchart Art History 1 (OPTIONAL)

A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

An extensive look at the early origins of art--from prehistoric times all the way up to the 14th century--can be found in this jam-packed, 3-panel QuickStudy guide. Different types of art, as well as descriptions of noteworthy art pieces and the time periods in which they were created, are covered in an easy-to-use format. A must-have guide for art novices and experts alike!
Publication Date: 

O - Barchart Art History 2 (Optional)

O - Barchart Art History 2 (OPTIONAL)

A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

BarCharts' comprehensive tour of art and artists continues with our 3-panel guide, which covers the Renaissance period through World War II. Specific artists--such as Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet and Salvador Dali--and their works are detailed, as well as the types of art they represent. This guide is sure to be a welcome addition to any art lover's bookshelf.
Publication Date: 

O - Barchart Bio Lab Basics (OPTIONAL)

Barchart Bio Lab Basics
The study of life, in all it's glory; animals and plants we see around us, the tiny organisms we can't see that affect us every day, and even the molecules which make up life. Learning biology, we ask questions about nature. Lab experiments are HOW we ask the questions. This guide shows how we ask questions in biology- what are the tools, terms, and major approaches scientists use to learn about the living world. It includes some of the major ideas biologists study, as well as descriptions of techniques and instruments used. This guide is intended for a high school or early college student, or anyone interested in understanding how biologists make the discoveries reported in the news daily.
  • Lab Safety & First Aid
  • Essential Methods & Tools
  • Scientific Method
  • Measurements
  • Statistics
  • Common Biology Lab Equipment
  • Microscopy
  • Essential Concepts
  • Cell Structure
  • Cell Transport
  • Respiration
  • Photosynthesis
  • Enzyme Activity
  • Organismal Diversity
  • Mitosis
  • Meiosis
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Mendelian Genetics
  • Field Biology
  • ISBN/SKU: 
    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Biology (OPTIONAL)


    BarCharts’ best-selling quick reference to biology has been updated and expanded in this latest edition. With updated content and an additional panel of information, this popular guide is not only an essential companion for students in introductory biology courses but also a must-have refresher for students in higher-level courses. Author Randy Brooks, PhD, a scientist and university professor, has a gift for making the complicated subject of biology easy to understand, from evolution to population genetics—without the fluff. In this new edition, you will find more coverage of the subject, including expanded sections on reproduction in animals, as well as helpful illustrations and diagrams, making this a study tool you won’t want to be without. 


    O - Barchart Calculus 1 (Optional)

    O - Barchart Calculus 1 (OPTIONAL)

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.


    O - Barchart Chefs Companion (OPTIONAL)

    Barchart Chefs Companion

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

    The ultimate kitchen tool with answers to your cooking questions at your fingertips, durably laminated, spill and splash proof and expertly written and designed to fit into 6 pages. Experienced author and publisher Cynthia Parzych provides cooking math and cooking methods for a variety of popular foods, every measurement and conversion you will need, portioning per person and much more for any cook at any experience level. It's proven, cooking for yourself and family is healthier, less expensive, and fun to entertain friends and family. This guide can be tucked into a drawer or hung on the refrigerator for the fastest access possible for your cooking needs and without the danger of a phone or tablet swimming in your sauce or sizzling on a burner.
    6 page laminated guide includes:
  • Key to Abbreviations
  • Measuring Devices
  • Common Temperatures & Conversions
  • Liquid Measuring Tips
  • Dry Measuring Tips
  • High Altitude
  • The Microwave
  • Dos & Don'ts
  • Cooking Shortcuts
  • Broiling
  • The Slow Cooker
  • Braising
  • Roasting
  • Company for Dinner
  • Cookware Capacities
  • Party Planner
  • Food Storage
  • Substitutions
  • Equivalents
  • Recipe Language: What Does It Mean?
  • A Chef's Pantry
  • ISBN/SKU: 
    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Chemistry (OPTIONAL)


    BarCharts’ best-selling quick reference to chemistry has been updated and expanded in this new edition. With updated content and an additional panel of information, this popular guide is not only an essential companion for students in introductory chemistry courses but also a must-have refresher for students in higher-level courses. Author Mark D. Jackson, PhD, a scientist and university chemistry professor, has a gift for making the complicated subject of chemistry interesting and easy to understand—without the fluff. In this new edition, you will find more coverage of the subject, helpful illustrations, chemical problems, and practical applications, making this a study tool you won’t want to be without. 


    O - Barchart Comparative Religions (OPTIONAL)

    O - Barchart Comparative Religions (OPTIONAL)

    Compares key philosophies, elements, figures, concepts and literature of major world religions to better understand their differences and similarities.

    Useful for anyone interested in learning more about various aspects of world religion and humanity.

    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Criminology (Optional)

    O - Barchart Criminology (OPTIONAL)

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

    Our comprehensive, 3-panel guide examines in detail the many experts and their theories that have made criminology a prominent field of study. Color-coded sections and up-to-date information make learning about this subject a breeze!

    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart English Composition and Style (Optional)

    English Composition and Style

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.


    O - Barchart English Grammar and Punctuation (OPTIONAL)

    English Grammar and Punctuation

    Whether you are looking for a better grade or just a refresher, get your thoughts onto paper the right way with the updated and expanded English Grammar & Punctuation QuickStudy® guide. A concise review of the mechanics of the English language, this new edition features an additional panel of information, including more examples for easy comprehension. This guide will help anyone looking to sharpen their writing skills and avoid common grammar and punctuation pitfalls.


    O - Barchart Essays and Term Papers (Optional)

    Barchart Essays and Term Papers

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

    Writing from the planning stages through completion.

    Any student at almost any level can improve his/her writing skills.
    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Excel 365 (OPTIONAL)

    O - Barchart Excel 365 (OPTIONAL)
    Quick and easy answers to the essentials of Excel, handy enough to keep you working without Internet searches or long videos. Our author and expert Curtis Frye owns a corporate training company specifically for Excel, is also a LinkedIn Learning video author (formerly and a Microsoft author. The ability to choose what is covered in this reference comes from his vast experience working directly with users. This expertise is streamlined through clear and succinct answers provided to help accomplish tasks. Also includes labeled screen grabs and icons in a color-coded design. Durable and portable, this 6 page laminated guide can be stored and accessed quickly so you can find what you need fast. Corporations ranging from Ford Motor Company to the FBI have purchased QuickStudy software guides for their employee's workspace to improve productivity and reduce support calls.
    6 page laminated guide includes:
  • Main Window
  • New Features
  • The Ribbon
  • Document File Formats
  • Microsoft Accounts
  • Entering & Editing Cell Data
  • Undo & Redo Changes
  • Managing Cells, Rows, Columns & Data
  • Formatting Cell Data
  • Creating Formulas
  • Creating Formulas Using Functions
  • Defining Excel Tables
  • Managing Workbooks & Worksheets
  • Sorting & Filtering Data
  • ISBN/SKU: 
    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Excel 365 Tips & Tricks (OPTIONAL)

    O - Barchart Excel 365 Tips & Tricks
    Quick and easy answers to the essentials of Excel, handy enough to keep you working without Internet searches or long videos. Our author and expert Curtis Frye owns a corporate training company specifically for Excel, is also a LinkedIn Learning video author (formerly and a Microsoft author. The ability to choose what is covered in this reference comes from his vast experience working directly with users. This expertise is streamlined through clear and succinct answers provided to help accomplish tasks. Includes labeled screen grabs and icons in a color-coded design. Durable and portable, this 6 page laminated guide can be stored and accessed quickly so you can find what you need fast. Corporations ranging from Ford Motor Company to the FBI have purchased QuickStudy software guides for their employee's workspace to improve productivity and reduce support calls.
    6 page laminated guide includes:
  • Managing Excel
  • Selecting Cells & Navigating Efficiently
  • Summarizing Data Efficiently
  • Verifying Data Entry Using Data Validation Rules
  • Auditing Formulas
  • Organizing Data Using Named Ranges & Tables
  • Optimizing Data Display
  • Applying Cell Formats
  • Managing Lists of Values
  • Managing Hyperlinks
  • Managing Worksheets & Workbooks
  • ISBN/SKU: 
    Publication Date: 

    O - Barchart Intellectual Property (Optional)

    O - Barchart Intellectual Property (OPTIONAL)

    A laminated, binder-ready study guide, containing simplified information on a respective topic, that the bookstore has recommended as a reference for a course.

    Essentials of patent, copyright and trademark law are at your fingertips in this reference designed for students of law and lawyers alike, but also for anyone with concerns or opportunities working with intellectual property. The Internet age is filled with legal misuse and misunderstanding. A trusted reference source is rarely found at this price that works so well that law students, lawyers and paralegals agree QuickStudy guides are a must-have. Expertly written to offer just the facts in 6 pages, the lamination ensures the guides will last a lifetime through school and beyond. BarCharts, Inc was founded on our law guides created by the owner, designed to understand the significance of details within the larger scheme of the law, as a daily refresher, and to review before the Bar Exam.
    6 page laminated guide includes:

  • Patent Law
  • Analyze Patentability
  • First to File Is Deemed "Inventor"
  • Application for Patents
  • Provisional Patent Applications
  • Patent Prosecution
  • Opposition Procedures & Post-Issuance Proceedings
  • Patent Infringement
  • Elements of Proof of Infringement
  • Types of Infringement & Infringers
  • Defenses to Infringement Action
  • Remedies in Infringement Action
  • Copyright Law
  • What Can Be Protected by Copyright?
  • When Copyrights Attach & Terminate for U.S. Works
  • How Can Copyrights Be Lost?
  • What Rights Are Protected by Copyright Law?
  • Who Holds the Copyrights?
  • Enforcement of Copyrights under Current Law
  • Civil Infringement Actions
  • Elements of Proof of Direct Infringement
  • Proof That Defendant Copied a Work
  • Degrees of Infringement
  • Contributory Infringement Liability
  • Vicarious Infringement Liability
  • Civil Remedies for Infringement
  • The "Fair Use" Defense
  • Copyrights on Foreign Works
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  • Computer Software Copyright Protection
  • Trademark Law
  • Common Law Trademarks
  • Distinctiveness Requirement
  • Descriptiveness of Trademarks
  • Four Categories of Marks
  • Specifically Prohibited Marks
  • Potential Conflicts with Other Users
  • Marks in Different Markets
  • When a Trademark Itself Has Value
  • Trademark Infringement
  • Remedies for Trademark Infringement
  • Defenses to Infringement Actions
  • Useful Internet Intellectual Property (IP) Links
  • ISBN/SKU: 
    Publication Date: 